
Insert a pun about polka dots here...

To start on a tangent is probably not the way to go but WHO CARES, its TGIF, that’s a good excuse right? In my mind puns are probably one of the funniest things in the world, call me crazy! So the topic of polka dots today made my mind race with things like “doing the polka!” and “Seeing spots” and I couldn’t decide on one so I’m leaving it up to you! (Feel free to send me some punny jokes)

Now, on to a serious note about polka dots…if you ever spend any time on the Internet you may have come across pictures of the new Louis Vuitton concept store at Selfridges department store located in London. Louis Vuitton has recently collaborated with a Japanese artist, Yayoi Kusama, to switch up their well known and loved pattern by adding Kusama’s love for polka dots! (I bet you didn’t see that coming)  The store looks like an amazing, and may I add trippy place to shop and I’m totally in love but they’re not the only ones on the spot wagon. Kate Spade seems to be equally obsessed with polka dots at the moment. They even go as far as doing a weekly blog talking about the #ARTOFTHEDOT where they highlight some of their favorite spot pictures of the week.
Top two pictures of Louis Vuitton concept store at Selfridges and bottom two picture of Kate Spade's website

With all of this inspiration I clearly want to cover everything in polka dots and I intend on doing just that! I’ve got a pair of pants and a white fabric marker that are just screaming to me. I will eagerly be waiting the day when I have time to craft them and will post pictures pronto (Although I’m super stoked for my best friend upcoming wedding I can’t say I’m as equally excited about the LOADS of hemming I have to do before then) I can’t say I’ll be able to hold off crafting before the hemming gets done, oh well.

Happy Spotting


Where to start?

If you have ever tried to decorate a space virtually from the beginning you'll probably find that it can be a daunting project. If you need a little help in this area hop on over to the HomeGoods Stylescope page, pick five of the displayed pictures and it'll tell you what decorating style fits you the most. The even give you tips on where to start decorating a space with awesome decor you can find in there store at super low prices (these words are like music to my ears). My favorite part about this quiz is that it gives you a facebook banner you can download for your own page. Awe how nice of them. :) The one picture below was the one I got because I'm SASSY! Try it out for yourself!

Happy Decorating


DIY A little pizzazz

While it’s super rewarding to finish a huge project, not everybody has time for that and I am a great example of that. I love creating things and my sanity relies on it but cramming in two jobs, cleaning, friends, boyfriend, AND crafts are not the easiest thing. This is why I love little projects that have a big impact. Fabric markers are a great way to change something rather boring into something pretty and unique. Segue into this little make up bag I made in a moment of boredom (at work, but shhhh don’t tell). My old one was a bit beat up and I had this plain little tan bag that fit everything perfectly, all it needed was a little make over.

So this is my plain little bag and my neon yellow/green fabric marker. I lightly drew with pencil and a ruler a rectangular shape across the bag, filled it in and voila!

This took me no time at all and added a little something! I suggest going out and getting some fabric markers of your own. The decorating possibilities are endless!

Happy Coloring!



Hello everybody!

I really wanted my first ever post to be about my trip to the Brimfeild Fair, the largest outdoor antiques fair in New England. Unfortunately, there were severe tornado warnings the morning I was supposed to go. You may think, New England and tornadoes don't exactly go hand in hand (that's what I used to think), but within the last few years there have been quite a few and the area Brimfeild is in suffered some of the worst damage the state has seen in some time. THIS BEING SAID, I was too afraid to go that morning (I love antiques but not enough to be blown away). I have been to this fair in the rain and the cold but tornadoes were pushing it a little far.

Lucky for me and the rest of the world this fair happens threes times a year for a week at a time. There are 21 fields with over 5000 dealers at any given time in the small New England town, and it is a mecca for anyone who loves to craft, decorate or just fill there house with STUFF. The best part is that you kind find it all for super cheap!

It's always a good idea to make a list of things your looking for while thrifting anywhere because the amount of different items can be over whelming. This year the major thing on my list was tin trays, like these:

 1.                                                                                    2. 

(I actually bought the Land O' Lakes one on the right the first time I was at Brimfeild for under ten dollars and it sits on my vanity)

How cute are these? You can always find a bunch of them in different sizes for a low price. My main goal this time was to hang them up and use them as memo boards using magnets. (Not at of these trays will be magnetic, it depends on the type of tin or material they're made out of, so bring a magnet with you to test)

There are SO many more awesome things that can be seen and bought at the fair so if you're in the area or love antiques enough to take a trip I suggest going. Check out their website for more information.

Happy Thrifting

Pictures found here 1. http://www.flickr.com/photos/calloohcallay/3783227870 here 2. http://www.etsy.com/listing/42633771/vintage-land-o-lakes-sweet-cream-butter and here 3. http://www.stagecoachtoys.com/scripts/prodView.asp?idproduct=452